Saturday, March 7, 2009

Rooting our action in Christ

These are they (dwelling in God's tent) who, fearing the Lord, are not elated over their own good works; but knowing that the good which is in them comes not from themselves but from the Lord, they magnify (Ps. 15:4) the Lord who works in them saying with the Prophet: Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto your name give the glory (Ps. 115:1) In this way the Apostle Paul imputed nothing of his preaching to himself, but said: By the grace of God I am what I am. (1 Cor. 15:10) And again he says: He who glories, let him glory in the Lord. (2 Cor. 10:17)

Hence also the Lord says in the Gospel: He who hears these words of mine and does them is like a wise man who built his house upon a rock: the floods came, the winds blew and beat upon that house, and it did not fall; because it was founded upon a rock. (Mt. 7:24-5)

Rule of St. Benedict, Prologue v. 29-34

Friday, March 6, 2009

Dealing with Temptation

But let us ask the Lord with the Prophet, saying to him: Lord, who shall dwell in your tent, or who shall rest upon your holy mountain? (Psalm 15:1) After this question, brethren, let us hear the Lord answering and showing us the way to his tent, saying: One who walks without stain and works justice; one who speaks the truth in his heart, who has not practiced deceit with his tongue; one who has done no evil to his neighbor, and has not believed false accusations against his neighbor. (Ps. 15:2-3)

One who has brought the malignant devil to naught, casting him out of the sight of his heart with all his suggestions; and has taken hold of his bad thoughts, while they were still young, and dashed them down upon Christ. (Ps. 15:4, 137:9)

Rule of St. Benedict, Prologue v. 23-28

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Run by doing good

What can be sweeter to us, dear brothers, than this voice of the Lord inviting us? Behold in his loving kindness the Lord shows us the way of life. Having our loins, therefore, girded with faith and the performance of good works, let us walk in his paths by the guidance of the Gospel, that we may deserve to see him who has called us in his kingdom (1 Thess. 2:12)

And if we wish to dwell in the tabernacle of this kingdom, we shall never reach it unless we run there by our good deeds.

Rule of St. Benedict, Prologue vv. 19-22

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pursue Peace

And the Lord, seeking his own workman in the multitude of the people to whom he cries out, says again: Who is it who longs for life, and desires to see good days (Pslm 34:12)?

And if you, hearing him, answer, "I am the one!" God says to you: If you long for true and everlasting life, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit. Turn aside from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it (Psalm 34:13-14).

And when you have done these things, my eyes will be upon you and my ears will be open to your prayers; and before you call upon me, I will say unto you, Behold, I am here (Isa. 58:9).

Rule of St. Benedict, Prologue v. 14-18

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Call of Scripure

Let us then at last arise, since the Scripture stirs us up saying: It is time now for us to rise from sleep (Rom. 13:11). And our eyes being open to the deifying light, let us hear with wondering ears what the Divine Voice admonishes us, daily crying out: Today, if you hear his voice, harden not your hearts (Psalm 95:7-8). And again, You who have ears to hear, hear what the Spirit says to the Churches (Rev. 2:7).

And what does he say? Come my children, listen to me, I will teach you the fear of the Lord (Psalm 34:12). Run while you have the light of life, lest the darkness of death seize hold of you (John 12:35).

Rule of St. Benedict, Prologue 8-13

Monday, March 2, 2009

Begin with Prayer

To you therefore, my words are now addressed, whoever you are, that renouncing your own will, you take up the strong and bright weapons of obedience, in order to fight for the Lord Christ, our true King.

In the first place, whenever you begin any good work, beg of him with most earnest prayer to perfect it; so that he who has now granted us the dignity of being counted in the number of his children may not at any time be grieved by our evil deeds. For we must always so serve him with the good things he has given us, that not only may he never, as an angry father, disinherit his children; but may never as a dread Lord, incensed by our sins, deliver us to everlasting punishment as most wicked servants who would not follow him to glory.

Rule of St. Benedict, Prologue 3-7

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Listen, O my son to the precepts of the master, and incline the ear of your heart: willingly receive and faithfully fulfil the admonition of your loving father; that you may return by the labor of obedience to him from whom you had departed through the sloth of disobedience.

Rule of St. Benedict