Friday, March 6, 2009

Dealing with Temptation

But let us ask the Lord with the Prophet, saying to him: Lord, who shall dwell in your tent, or who shall rest upon your holy mountain? (Psalm 15:1) After this question, brethren, let us hear the Lord answering and showing us the way to his tent, saying: One who walks without stain and works justice; one who speaks the truth in his heart, who has not practiced deceit with his tongue; one who has done no evil to his neighbor, and has not believed false accusations against his neighbor. (Ps. 15:2-3)

One who has brought the malignant devil to naught, casting him out of the sight of his heart with all his suggestions; and has taken hold of his bad thoughts, while they were still young, and dashed them down upon Christ. (Ps. 15:4, 137:9)

Rule of St. Benedict, Prologue v. 23-28

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