Monday, December 9, 2013


My dear Lady, I beg you to entrust your mission to one of the important persons who is well known, respected, and esteemed....  I am nobody, a nothing... a pitle of sticks.

St. Juan Diego to Our Lady of Guadelupe

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Power of Words

Words create and destroy.  They create worlds to enter and dwell in.  They give us visions of things never before seen and restore memories long forgotten.  They have the capacity to reveal the human heart of one person to another and to bind together thousands of people into a community of common purpose.  Words also can destroy, strike at the core of long accepted truths and subvert them. They can penetrate and in a few strokes obliterate what we thought was secure and lasting.  Words can betray and seduce, defile and deny.
Jim Wallace, Preaching to the Hungers of the Heart